Author Archives: Emily Hesse

Open Call – Postcards to America – Exchange Rates, Brooklyn, New York


Exchange Rates is an exposition produced by Sluice, Theodore Art and Centotto to take place between 23-26 October 2014. Galleries in Brooklyn’s vibrant Bushwick district are opening their doors to galleries from around the world to participate in an exchange of artists, artworks and ideas. Class1 Gallery (Middlesbrough/Saltburn, UK) is delighted to have been invited over by Studio 10 Gallery who will be hosting our project Postcards to America

The idea

At the beginning of this century, an unexpected name appeared on the list of the most powerful figures in the art world. Alongside the Rosens and the Gagosians, the Saatchis and Zabludowicz, the Nick Serotas and the Stephanie Theodores there featured a slightly portly Cypriot gentleman by the name of Stelios. Easyjet, it was reasoned, had made the art world precisely that, a world. From Sao Paulo to Istanbul to Saudi Arabia to Sydney, artists, curators and collectors could jet from one biennale to the next with a cheap seat and an expensive sandwich: it seemed perhaps the only place not served by a major art festival was Antarctica (although we are sure BP contemplated sponsoring one).

Since then the world has become larger again. The prolonged period of austerity experienced by some of the previously most powerful economies has made travel a luxury rather than an expectation and the value of art itself is under scrutiny, having to justify itself not just in cultural terms, or in terms of well-being, but also in terms of economic impact. This has not been entirely negative, one might argue that, in the UK at least, the goose had grown fat on public subsidy. Leaner times call for leaner thinking and we have much to learn from our predecessors earlier in the last century, for whom the world could seem just as large. Paulo Bruscky, On Kawara, Gilbert & George: all pioneers of mail art. And did not Marcel Duchamp himself once say “answers on a postcard please” (no, ok, maybe he didn’t).

We are inviting artists to submit ideas for an artwork on a postcard. The cards will be exhibited as part of the Exchange Rates exposition at, Studio 10, Brooklyn, New York
The postcard might be the form of instructions for making a sculpture, choreograph of a performance, a text based work, an idea. The choice is yours. We will not be committing to make the work (although we do intend to select a couple of ideas to realize in the space). This does not prevent you though developing a work that visitors to the gallery might be able to realize in their own time. All postcards will be displayed during the exposition in an album. Approximately 20 postcards will be displayed on a series of shelves with the option of these images being rotated. The gallery reserves the right to construct work following instruction from the postcard for the duration of the exposition.

Not so small print

  • There is no limit to the type of work you may instruct through the postcard.
  • Class1 does not commit to make any works instructed through the postcard, but reserves the right to do so. Any works so constructed will be destroyed at the end of the exhibition
  • We shall not consider the postcard to constitute the work, but rather instructions for making a work. Whilst all care will be taken of postcards received, Class1 will not be able to insure the postcards.
  • If artists wish their postcards to be returned at the end of the exhibition please send a stamped addressed envelope and make sure your name is clearly visible on the postcard itself.
  • Class1 / Studio 10 / Exchange Rates reserve the right to use images of postcards and/or realised works for promotional purposes.
  • Class1 / Studio 10 / Exchange Rates reserve the right not to exhibit any postcard whatever if it is considered that the content likely to cause undue offense or contravenes legislation.
  • There is no fee to enter Postcard to America. Class1 will cover postage of cards to and from Brooklyn. Artists are responsible for the cost of posting their cards to Class1 Gallery and for the cost of return if required.
  • Please send postcards to Class1 Gallery. C/O James Beighton, 9 Marine Parade, Saltburn, N. Yorks. TS12 1DP

Key dates

  • Exhibition runs 23rd – 26th October, 12 – 6pm daily, late night Friday.
  • Deadline for receipt of postcard: Friday 3rd October
  • We expect postcards to be returned to artists if required by Friday 28th November 2014

Web links